In Texas, a state known for its vast and varied landscapes, certain roads stand out as particularly dangerous. Understanding the risks associated with these roads is crucial for drivers in the Lone Star State.
These are seven of Texas’s most dangerous roads, each which features unique challenges and hazards that should be taken into account by travelers.
Interstate 45
Interstate 45 is notorious for being the deadliest highway in Texas, as well as the second most deadly highway in the nation. Connecting Dallas, Houston and Galveston, this highway has a high death per mile rate of .913 that is a stark reminder of the dangers present on this road.
Interstate 35
Interstate 35, running through seven states, including Texas. This central highway’s death-per-mile rate of .528 on the west-bound lanes and .496 on the eastbound lanes. The high death rate underscores the significant risks involved in navigating this busy road.
Interstate 10
Interstate 10, the deadliest highway in America, stretches from California to Florida. Overall, it has a notable death-per-mile rate of .597. The length of the road within Texas, particularly in Beaumont and El Paso, contributes to its high danger level.
U.S. Route 175
U.S. Highway 175, which runs from Texas to Florida, has a high death-per-mile rate of .447. This highlights the significant safety concerns for drivers on this route.
Interstate 20 and feeder Interstate 820
Interstate 20 and its feeder Interstate 820, running through the heart of Texas through South Carolina. The road’s death-per-mile rate of .549 should encourage drivers to remain vigilant and practice safe driving.
Interstate 37 in San Antonio
Interstate 37, located in southern Texas, connects Corpus Christi and San Antonio. While the overall death-per-mile has decreased in recent years, the rate still hovers at .41, which is still highly dangerous.
Safety on Texas roads depends on every driver, so it’s possible to become the victim of a crash anywhere. Anyone who’s struck by another driver should ensure they get proper medical care. They may the seek compensation from the negligent driver for those financial damages and others that are attributable to the wreck.